Reality with Bruce de Torres

Reality with Bruce de Torres 18. James DiEugenio



Reality with Bruce de Torres 18. James DiEugenio

James DiEugenio discusses his latest book, written with four co-authors, THE JFK ASSASSINATION CHOKEHOLDS That Inescapably Prove There was a Conspiracy, evidence “that would convince a jury.”

We discussed:

The destruction of trust in government and the media since the assassination of President Kennedy, including the cynicism and powerlessness that descended upon us.

Schoolbooks teaching only the discredited Warren Commission conclusions.

Trump and Biden breaking the law by not releasing the remaining assassination documents.

A standard of proof not being applied in the major investigations, disqualifying their claims to have found the truth.

The HSCA excluding from its report Betsy Wolf’s discovery that Oswald’s CIA file was routed out of regular channels, implying special interest or knowledge in him, starting in 1959, when he went to the Soviet Union (in what many believe was an intelligence assignment).

How the CIA’s plausible deniability of its crimes has let it become a government unto itself, overthrowing governments, assassinating heads of state, corrupting our agencies, public servants, and the media with incalculable resources, eviscerating the protections of our system of checks and balances (and serving the interests of the military-industrial complex and the national security state).

How Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s infiltration and manipulation of the media, has covered many of its crimes (and inspired support for awful things).

How public outrage at the Zapruder film in 1975 and the JFK movie in 1991 forced Congress to re-pursue the truth.

Chapter 7: The Evidentiary Mess of the Twentieth Century, namely, how JFK’s “medical examination was one of the worst on record placed in the hands of order-taking incompetents” (to obscure the number of bullets, their direction of origin, and the number of shooters).

Chapter 10: Sixty Years of Obstruction of Justice, the book’s longest chapter (demolishing any pretense that the government wanted to find or tell the truth about what happened).

The Conclusion, “This is why this case cries out for a new investigation.”

We also discussed the burden and opportunities of self-government.

Jim has written or co-edited many books on the assassinations of the 1960s:

DESTINY BETRAYED: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case
THE ASSASSINATIONS: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK & Malcom X
JFK REVISITED, the companion piece to Oliver Stone’s two recent documentaries on the Kennedy assassination (JFK REVISITED: Through the Looking Glass and JFK: Destiny Betrayed, Jim wrote both screenplays)
THE JFK ASSASSINATION CHOKEHOLDS That Inescapably Prove There was a Conspiracy

And he is the editor and publisher of the online journal, which features articles, new stories and critiques of works about the four major assassinations of the sixties: JFK, Malcom X, MLK and RFK

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