Reality with Bruce de Torres

Reality with Bruce de Torres 24. Peter Hymans



Reality with Bruce de Torres 24 Peter Hymans

Peter Hymans, photographer, has been studying the JFK assassination since it happened. He is embedded in the research community and has met, befriended or corresponded with such notables as Dennis David, Penn Jones Jr., Josiah Thompson, Cyril Wecht, Jim Marrs, Harold Weisberg, John Barbour, Judyth Vary Baker, Dick Russell, Gary Aguilar, and Oliver Stone.

Peter is a regular at events for truth and freedom today. He met and photographed Robert F. Kennedy a week before he was killed.

We discussed:

When Peter was sixteen, JFK’s assassination was a wrecking ball through his psyche and that of the nation, sending us floating as if without oars.

Seeing Oswald shot on TV and suspecting, even then, that something was really wrong with that situation.

Being roused to study JFK’s assassination after RFK was killed by yet another apparent lone nut. Reading all he could and corresponding with researchers Penn Jones Jr. and Harold Weisberg and Senator Ted Kennedy.

Jones wrote him, in 1975, “This is now early Germany - - keep an eye on the door it may slam sooner than we think.” How comparisons to “Not See” Germany were justified by the CIA crimes exposed by that time.

How the Zapruder film, shown to the public for the first time in 1975, proved that the government and media had been lying about what happened to President Kennedy for almost 12 years. (He was in the back AND from the front, proving multiple shooters and a conspiracy.)

How CIA operations Paperclip, Mockingbird and MK Ultra expanded evil, tyrannical power and did nothing to benefit we the people in a democratic republic.

The massive courage of President Kennedy confronting forces that kill to win for the sake of doing great things for the American people and all the countries of the world.

How the Joint Chiefs hated him. How they wanted him to surprise attack the Soviet Union with nuclear weapons. How close we came to nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

How JFK seemed to have no fear of death, perhaps because he felt any day might be his last with good health so he could afford to risk his life and pursue presidential greatness by doing great things for the general welfare, peace and prosperity.

Robert F. Kennedy’s similar courage inspired it seems by loyalty to his fallen brother and their mutual goals.

Bobby Jr’s campaign today. His description of the real problems that are literally killing us. His track record of solving big problems. The persuasiveness of his proposed solutions.

The bizarreness of his inscrutability, if not obtuseness, concerning Israel’s destruction of Palestinians since October 7th. How lately he’s said and done more nuanced and balanced things, like interviewing knowledgeable Jews and Muslims about ways to heal their divide.

How hard it is to imagine anyone more qualified to implement the solutions he’s proposing, which sound like they really would work and protect and empower us.

How Peter has met Bobby Jr. many times. “Everyone should study Bobby’s site and Biden’s site and Trump’s and measure them against your soul and our prospects for the future.”

How “Know thyself” is still the cure for what ails us, for the epidemic of powerlessness that seems to inflict us, the result, Bruce says, of 13 years of prison – school – where we were trained in helplessness, where our explosive zeal and curiosity about life was bored out of us, where we made no decisions and so didn’t develop our judgement, so now, as adults, we are afraid to make decisions and love when we are told what to do by authority, which was ingrained as our normal during all those years in school.

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